Zhong Yin Law Firm Ranked in the list of 2024 LEGALBAND BOB: China Top 30 Law Firms
Author: Zhong Yin Law Firm 北京中银律师事务所
On December 3, 2024, LEGALBAND, a legal service rating agency, released the list of 2024 LEGALBAND BOB: China Top 30 Law Firms, and Zhong Yin Law Firm was put on the list by virtue of its outstanding business performance and excellent corporate reputation.
Founded in January 1993, Zhong Yin is one of the earliest law firms in the form of partnership approved by the Ministry of Justice in China. It is headquartered in Beijing and currently has branch offices in 40 Mainland cities including Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Xi'an and other cites (including the branches established and such in preparation), and established its association law firm with Hong Kong and Macao law firms, ZLF Law Office, which is China’s first, as well as its Qianhai branch. It has more than 3,600 lawyers and staff members, including nearly 2,600 lawyers.
The list of 2024 LEGALBAND BOB: China Top 30 Law Firms has now been officially released. During the rating period, the team of LEGALBAND meticulously consulted the self-recommendation materials, customer feedback and market information of the major law firms in China, gave consideration to the long-term observation and insight of its resident research team into the Chinese legal service market, and ultimately identified 30 Chinese law firms with outstanding business performance and excellent corporate reputation in 2024.
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